In the city where job competition is at its highest, The O.V.A.L Programs’ approach to employment is to move our job candidates into the job market through our wholly-owned construction company, “B.A.F.E Group, LLC”, and our various industry training program collaborations from other industries. B.A.F.E Group employs a force of project managers, who scour local and international markets in search of specific win-win relationships with public/private investors, that fit within the O.V.A.L mission. By designing employment packages that ensure dependability, pre-job training, wages and performance-based job development, B.A.F.E Group project managers will offer stakeholders measurable bottom-line advantages to hiring The O.V.A.L Program participants. The guiding rule for all The O.V.A.L Program workers will be “full day’s work for a full day’s pay”. Our on-the-job performance evaluation will reward those who work harder with more pay and upward mobility. Those who fail to meet minimum productive standards will be “recycled” or dropped from the program. The O.V.A.L Program philosophy on job development is from laborer to skilled operator to craftsman. The O.V.A.L Program also supports and encourages skill, training, and aptitude development through apprenticeship and technical licensing and degree programs which are made available to those with such interest. The O.V.A.L Program works closely with various educational platforms which have programs that work well for The O.V.A.L Program Participants. The O.V.A.L Program realizes that in today’s economy, with America continually losing jobs to overseas competitors, it must take the proverbial “bull by the horns” if it is to fulfill its guarantees of job placement. This means investing in future jobs and this is what The O.V.A.L Program is doing. The O.V.A.L Program, through its’ partnerships with B.A.F.E Group and BAHGSFUND, LLC is investing millions in selected “Green Industries''(Affordable Shipping Container Homes) and “Green Patents” (ECO-Zyme, LLC) that will ensure it a proprietary role in future job development. All of The O.V.A.L Program’s investments are in projects that will help either sustain our world or make it better. We realize the necessity that business must play in our global future. We must be more than simple capitalists. We must direct the course of business expansion to solve social mandates and to create a sustainable future world. The O.V.A.L Program has carefully selected its investments to promote labor intensive processes that will have immediate impact. These investments should yield their first jobs by mid-year of operation and continue as a source to produce hundreds of opportunities per year thereafter. The O.V.A.L Program’s “Green Projects” include innovations in both “City” and “Rural Agri-Partner” environments.
The O.V.A.L Program has tailored a sustainable “growth” environment where selected returning participants will spend a year of their lives “learning through doing” and “becoming new men '' by “being new men”. It is called The O.V.A.L Agri-Partners Program. These environments are composed of selected acreage where the participants will live and work for twelve months. All of their living needs will be met, including room, board, necessities, and clothing. They will also receive counseling, character development, on-the-job training, remedial education and personal growth instruction. The work environment created by The O.V.A.L Program will be a family style participation but will include elected hierarchical governance and appointed job and role responsibilities. The work environment will be agri-based but will involve the implementation of cutting edge “green technology”. These training environments will include recreational and participatory activities. Weekends will allow for family visits and spiritual pursuits. The participants will work and learn for one year. Upon completion of that year, they will be given a “share” based upon their individual and collective productivity. This will be in the form of a debit card account established in the participant’s name. They will also be given Basic Transportation Stipend, which will vary with their performance productivity. The note will be subsidized by The O.V.A.L Program. They will also be offered a permanent job provided by the Agri-Partner working in the existing environment or one similar. They will be given access to rental apartments or homes, with no upfront fees, that will accommodate their family needs. All Work Ethic debt obligations will be deducted as agreed from their weekly or bi-weekly paychecks. In order to accommodate graduating clients’ housing needs, The O.V.A.L Program will invest in the development and construction of multi-family apartments and single family residences in the area of the Agri-Partners. These small communities will be developed within convenient driving distance to the Agri-Partners Program sites. Each work site, agri-environment will be able to accommodate 15 – 30 re-entry candidates. Current planning anticipates three such sites initially and as many as 20 sites over the next 3 – 5 years.