Our Veterans Are Loved

Veterans Reintegration Program (VRIP)

Reintegration12 May 2024

The O.V.A.L ReIntegration Programs are full life restoration programs. The processes and goals are to take displaced Veterans and those at-risk of displacement, and help them restructure themselves to return to a position of productivity and self-satisfaction within society.  To do this, we must help restore a sense of self-worth, value and purpose by immediately rehousing them.  Then a detailed evaluation to determine an individual plan for the Veterans and their family.  The O.V.A.L Program provides shelter, clothes, meals, transportation and 24 hour supervision for the participant while in the program.  In addition, The O.V.A.L Program provides courses and consulting designed to help the participant change his behavior through a growing sense of self-worth.  The O.V.A.L Program will also provide the participant with job and career development support.

City Jobs, Rural Jobs and Developing Green Patent Jobs

The O.V.A.L Program has tailored its reintegration programs to mesh with the job sources available within the state or jurisdiction in which it is operating.  As a result, The O.V.A.L Reintegration Programs are based on two different environments: city-based environments and our rural-based AgriPartners Program.  Each program is designed to take advantage of available jobs in the varying locations.  In addition, the singular sustainable strength of The O.V.A.L Program is its capital investment into “Green Patents”, “Green Industries” and “New Job Development”.

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